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What is the zionism's hidden card?

What is Religious Zionism?

Well, there are 2 types really, maybe even 3. So lets clarify that term. Some consider Zionism the repatriation of Israel. This I do not object to, though I would caution that it should be done lawfully and decently without slighting anyone in the process and whether that has been done or not is a political concern that I do not want to be bothered with since I prefer as much political neutrality as possible.
Some say Zionism is like a political party with lobbyist goals and agenda exclusive to Israel's interests. That may be but neither is that my concern.
My concern is with what I should perhaps call "Religious Zionism," whereby it is said that the Jews can only come back to God through a channel other than Christ and that the temple must be restored and worship by priests at the temple re-instituted and eventually, "the Messiah" welcomed back, this one actually being the antichrist.
There is nothing wrong with rebuilding a temple as a museum piece, a tourist attraction or the like. That does not contradict or violate anything in the Bible, as long as they do not steal the site or destroy someone else's property in doing so. My concern would be with saying that reinstating Israel or rebuilding the temple is necessary to fulfill scripture, or to please God, or follow God. Nor is a restored priesthood required or even allowed by God for religious and worshipful purposes. Jesus must be accepted by anyone who wants to become reconciled to God, whether they be Jew, Caucasian, Asian, African, Chinese, Indian, or even Martian, were they to exist. Anyone under heaven, so to speak. There is absolutely no other way or path. Only one way, one path, for ALL. Jews are not excepted from this. It is Jesus, the son of God!
Jesus gave his life in sacrifice and his Father allowed the sacrifice so that mankind's sins inherited from Adam might be redeemed according to the laws of justice, balance, and equity. Since Jesus paid the price previously foreshadowed by the law, temple, and priesthood, those things were done away with and a new covenant established with all mankind, but with special privileges reserved first for Jews, then later for the nations. There is no need or requirement for the temple and priests anymore, and in fact, to bring those back as requirements would be to disrespect and dishonor God and His son's sacrifice and spit on them. It would be a rejection of God's provision in favor of their own. We can not do things our way. We must do them God's prescribed way.
So for me, when I say ZIONISM, I refer to "Religious Zionism," which is a heresy and constitutes one as an enemy of God. This I object to, and not a nation of Israel by itself or even a temple building by itself for sake of remembering the past. Just keep God out of it. But be forewarned people, that the Bible most definitely says that there will be a state of Israel, a rebuilt temple, possibly and likely a reinstituted priesthood, and, beyond all things else, a false counterfeit fraudulent Messiah/Christ, a false prophet, fake/phony, who will come with all manner of lying signs and wonders to deceive the world with, possibly involving UFO technology and other such related technological wonders and marvels. There may even be an alleged Ark of the Covenant, a blood line, a Holy Grail and who knows what else.
It is going to happen! It is on its way! You can take this one to the bank! And when it happens, you can remember that I told you so! And beware of this perhaps more than anything else. Do not follow, accept or believe this lying fraud who masquerades as Jesus the Christ. He will be nothing of the sort and he will be killed off by God 7 years after his appearing. This is the Zionism that I warn of and caution to avoid for anyone who follows this phony will not be written in the book of life and they will be certain to die, never to return ever again. I have spoken and cleansed my hands of blood, and you have been warned. Its your choice, whether you choose life or death. Life is God's way and death is the false Messiah's way. You'll only have those two choices and nothings else! Choose wisely!


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