Evidence That CT Russell Was A Knights Templar, He Said So Himself
Here is the original document which includes Charles Taze Russell's Convention Discourses:
I have created a separate document of his "Temple of God" speech on page 914, here:
If you read over his speech, you will notice how CT Russell refers back to the Temple of Solomon multiple times, this is because the Knights Templars are obsessed with the Temple of Solomon and are called the Knights Templars - Order of Solomon's Temple. Google it.
I have pasted each time CT Russell uses the term Knights Templar along with the context.
Do our Masonic friends understand something about the Temple, and being Knights Templars, and so on? We more.
The Bride class is one picture, the Temple class another picture, but from this picture of the Bride coming in we have the thought that Jesus must first, as it were, as the great Advocate for the Church, great Temple that God is preparing. A thousand years during which these Knights Templar are to scatter blessings to all the families of the earth. We may not wear our white feathers now, but we will have all white raiment by and by. "They shall walk with Him in white, for they are worthy."
Now the question arises, How can we become members of this order? Would you like to become one of these Knights Templar on the heavenly plane (he is referring to the heavenly plane in Enochian Magic). I am not saying anything against the earthly Knights Templar.
Now the question arises, How can we become members of this order? Would you like to become one of these Knights Templar on the heavenly plane. I am not saying anything against the earthlyKnights Templar. You can use your own judgment. You know I never advise one way or another respecting what things we shall eat, or drink, or wherewithal we shall be clothed.
If you think it is the will of God you should join the Odd Fellows, and don't feel you are Odd Fellow enough in becoming a follower of the Lord, go and join the Odd Fellows. If you feel that you want to become a member of the Free and Accepted Order of Masonry, and do not feel free and Masonic enough as a follower of Christ, God bless you, use your judgment; that is yours to decide, not mine. But now I am talking about this great order of masonry of which Jesus is the Grand Master. This Order is to be entered in a peculiar way. There are certain conditions,--the low gate, the narrow way, the difficult path.
You can read about the Freemasonic Order of the Odd Fellows here, whom the Satan worshipping Albert Pike was a part of:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Order_of_Odd_Fellows
I wonder how many of us here present have taken the first step, the first degree? I wonder how many have gone on to take the second and third degrees? I wonder how many have come intoKnighthood--shall I say?--to be Knights Templar? That simply means to be very honorable in connection with this Temple service; as, for instance, to be leaders in the Church. That is getting up to one of the high degrees, to be leaders in the Church of Christ, to be Knights Templar, to be amongst those who are special functionaries in any matter pertaining of the interests of the Temple, and know most about the things of the Temple. You know that in these orders of Masonry, as they progress from one step to another, they learn more and more, and there are Masons in the thirty-second degree that know a great many things that Masons of the fourteenth or sixteenth plane would not know. And those on the fourteenth plane know a great deal more than those down in the third degree. It is a matter of increased knowledge.
C.T. Russell’s membership records in the Masonic Knights Templar are kept in Ireland. The Blue Lodge records belong to the Grand Lodge of PA. Lady Queensborough in her book Occult Theocracy published in 1933 notes on page 737 C.T. Russell’s Masonic membership. His Masonic membership must have also been common knowledge to those associated with him, and those acquainted with the prominence Russell gave to the Knights Templar logo. Fritz Springmeier also knows 3 people who have seen CT Russell's Membership certificate in Ireland because it was the Mother Lodge in Ireland that sponsored the lodge in Pennsylvania that he belonged to, the records always go back to the mother lodges. It is also worth noting that 3 of the Masonic Lodges in CT Russell's area of residence were all codenamed Watchtower.
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