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A story to share with you.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Testimonies of a Jehovah's Witness Show Cynthia When to Leave, published by Karama Sadaka

Thursday, April 10, 2014 

How do you start a story without remembering the 
beginning and without having an ending?  
Contributed by Christian Sparlock FreedomMy life as a Jehovah’s Witness began in my mother’s womb.  I was born into the Jehovah’s Witness religion because my mother started studying and was baptized when she was pregnant with me.  This easily explains why I did not have a birthday cake or party, never celebrated Halloween or Christmas, and everything I did, every single person I knew was a Jehovah’s Witness.  

I do not have many memories of anything, just a few passing memories of district conventions being a week long and the Circuit Assemblies were three long days.  The only good thing about those gatherings?  The food.  I remember lunch time at these gatherings almost as a feast, since back then, during the seventies, they had kitchens in which volunteers cooked for hours on end for big crowds of people.  

As a child, I kept expecting Armageddon to come at any time.  My father passed away when I was nine years old and I remember asking my sister, “Paradise is coming soon right?”  One book I remember perfectly was "Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained," and that awful drawing of people, including a little girl and a small dog falling through a crack in the open earth.  That became embedded in my mind, therefore the fear of Armageddon and not doing the right thing.  You see, this is my issue, I blanked out many things from my memories.  For some this may be a good thing, but not for me, because I would like to pinpoint when exactly I felt I didn’t belong there.  Most of my childhood is pretty much in a “flash drive” lost in my deep subconscious, waiting to be explored once again. 

Looking forward to my teenage years, I remember having “fun” with my peers.  I was born in Puerto Rico, so the beach was the favorite place of gathering.  Back then, I remember that once a month, the congregation would come together at the beach, on a Sunday, if you can believe that.  We would all arrive early in the morning, have a 45 minute consideration of the Watchtower study and then just fun all day.  As you can see, not all was bad, at least up until that time, then things started to change and got stricter. 

If anything, what got me starting to consider my place in this religion was the fact that we were discouraged from going to College.  At seventeen years of age, that wasn’t even a choice for me, because I was taught that College was inappropriate.  You see, they coerce you into believing that anytime you spent in College or University, was time that you could have used in preaching God’s Kingdom and formal education is a waste of time, since the world is going to end “soon."  Any dreams to have an education to provide a decent way of living for you or your family are shattered by fear of God and impending doom. Contributed by Christian Sparlock FreedomI have always felt out of place, unable to make decisions on my own without having to consult with someone else, my mother, the elders, etc.  I remember that I always liked what was not approved by the Watchtower Society as “appropriate," such as, horror movies, the holidays, dancing and parties.  I always looked up to others who were used as examples in the congregation.  I was never a leader, always a follower.  Which is why I “had” to get baptized.  If I didn’t get baptized, I was not going to be able to give that “excellent” demonstration in the platform or even have the chance to be part of a convention drama.  I loved acting too, and by the way, I never did appear in one of their dramas.

First baptism, then pioneering. Once you were baptized, as a young person, you were expected to have the goal to become a "pioneer," (special title for someone who works many hours in the field ministry).  Again, all the pioneers having parts in the meeting, demonstrations, and there I was, sitting in the back of the line, waiting to be recognized.   The solution?  Become a pioneer, what else?  I hated knocking at strangers’ doors, selling magazines.  Yes, for those of you who are new, back in those days, magazines were sold, for $.25 each. 

I asked myself, if Jesus said, “don’t let your right hand know what your left hand does,” why do we need to turn in a service report?  Oh, I remember, it was so that all those who made 20 and 30 hours a month in field service, selling dozens of magazines and books would get recognized during a meeting.  Have you ever felt you are out of place, that you don’t feel you belong somewhere?  That’s me, during all of the years I spent being a Jehovah's Witness.  

I would try very hard to do what a “good” Jehovah's Witness should do; go in service, prepare for the meetings, highlighting the magazines and the Apocalypse book with all kinds of beautiful markers and writing the uncited scriptures on the side of the page, and looking up additional information in the Aid book, now replaced by the "Insight on the Scriptures" 'encyclopedia.'  I was so proud of myself, and by the way, I gave excellent demonstrations.  But I recognized everything I did was automatic, sort of a ritual without meaning.  I only did these things, because I had to.  That’s all I knew.  I was reproved, disfellowshipped, cried my way back in, repented, but nothing seemed to be enough for anyone in the congregation and because of them, nothing I did felt like it was enough for God, either.  

“Why do you do this to yourself?” I asked myself many times.  

"Do you really believe this is the true religion? What would you do if your child gets sick or in an accident and bleeds out? Would you let her die because you cannot accept a blood transfusion?" NO!  I could not.

That was the beginning of the end for me. I think I just had to take a hard look into many of this religion’s teachings to be able to finally say, enough is enough.  Either I believe 100% or I do not.  It took me, well, most of my life to finally say, "To Hell with this."  I was not happy there,  I was miserable, and I went through a lot of depression, thinking that my husband would be destroyed in Armageddon, and I wasn’t getting through to him.  I was just depressed all of the time and angry. 

In 2006, I decided not to set foot in another Kingdom Hall again.  I was just bored and tired of trying for something I felt was not right.  Many things began to not make sense anymore, such as, the changes in doctrines, like the generation that will see the end of the system of things.  The fact that many of the talks focused on how much we need to do in favor of the organization and to push harder.  If someone else could do it, why could we not do it?  Most of the talks were fear-based or with the intent to make you go “hmmmmm."  I will briefly tell you what made me finally say, this is it, this cannot be God’s chosen people. 

As all of you know, all circuit assemblies have talks based on testimonies or experience from chosen people.  The last assembly I attended featured a talk with an experience that made me decide once and for all not to go anymore.  For the new ones, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION.  "Experiences" are made to be examples when they are presented in front of hundreds of people.  They are given to make you question your conscience and your personal choices.  This one, in particular, began as an experience, in which a married couple faced the dilemma of the blood issue.  They explained how terrible they felt, when they received the news that her twelve-year-old daughter had leukemia, their hospital trips, (violins playing at this point), etc.  The hardest news they could get was, if their daughter was going to survive this illness, she had to get a bone marrow transplant.  To make a long and tedious story short, the transplant was forbidden by the Watchtower Society and the daughter died.  

“Holy shit!  What the hell did I just hear?” I said to myself.Contributed by Debbie Kotte
In the silence of the assembly hall, I could hear the low voices of the ones I know, who did not agree with this doctrine either.   That was the last time I ever went to a convention and the point of no return for me.  

Another assembly talk featured a lady that got caught on the bridge that collapsed in Mississippi a few years ago.  After relating what happened to her and praising her “brothers and sisters” in the congregation for how much they helped her deal with her injuries and the press, the man presiding over the talk asked her, 

“Tell me sister, why were you on the bridge that day”?  

She responded that she had made arrangements with the pioneers to go in service that day, but cancelled to do a few errands.  

The idiot then asked, “What does that teach you, sister”? 

She said: “That we should never cancel any arrangements we make for service with the pioneers."  

I was so mad, after listening to that talk, I could vomit.  But that goes on to show the kind of mind-control religion this religion practices.Contributed by Christian Sparlock FreedomIf I can save a few from making the decision to get baptized, even starting a Bible study with these people, I will talk.  I will even start a campaign of going to each and every person I see close to accepting their magazines and tell them, 

Don't pass up The Truth About The Truth (TTATT) in favor of the lie.

 Now my family shuns me, because I made the decision to write a letter of dissociation in 2013.  I have not spoken to my mother since November 2013.  Am I bitter?  Yes, I am.  Am I a disgruntled apostate?  You bet, because what these people do to others goes unnoticed and our families are in there, still acting like robots and accepting everything that comes from the Governing Body, self-proclaimed to be the “faithful and discreet slave,” who are none other than seven old cranky men, sitting at a round table, making decisions, based on what they call “light” from God, or “holy spirit” inspiration.  

I hope this open letter serves as the starting point of my calling to stop others from joining this organization, and helps those that are new or ready to be baptized to stop and think before they jump in that dirty puddle of muddy water.

Thanks for reading.


Posted by Karama Sadaka

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

When the 'Body Snatchers' Come Into Your Life...RUN! (If you can.)

I was forced into this Cult by my mother.  She was seduced by the Jehovah's Witnesses' "welcome" propaganda and began studying with them when I was only about six or seven years old.  All I knew, once we started going to their Kingdom Hall, was that I was spanked repeatedly for not being still and moving around in my chair, hard metal chairs.  Even at a young age, I knew something was not right about this religion and I gave my mother a hard time, so the spankings continued.  I hated going to meetings and especially, going out in field service or the (house-to-house) ministry, as they call it now.

Our family used to frequently visit with my cousins and we all celebrated the Holidays together.  That was taken from me.  I was not allowed to visit with my cousins any longer, because they were "worldly," (not Jehovah's Witnesses).  I loved my cousins and I was confused and then the Holidays were taken from me, as well.  I resented that, even as a child.  I could not understand why and my parents' explanation did not set well with me.  

I hate that Cult.  It's as if 'The Body Snatchers' had entered our lives and changed everything.  The members of that Cult have a "hive mind."  They destroyed my childhood, and all because a bunch of money-hungry, power-seeking assholes, namely the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, were now dictating our lives.   I did not know this at the time.  I was taught that it was all Jehovah, so I thought something was wrong with me and I began doubting myself.  Still, I hated going to the meetings at the Kingdom Hall.

One night, I was in a lot of physical pain.  It was meeting night, and because of my pain, I did not want to go with them, but my parents insisted.  I was crying and could not understand why they would make me go, even when I did not feel well.  To please the Cult, my mother held my arms and hands down and my father slapped me across the face and they made me go to the meeting anyway.  I was humiliated, because my face was so swollen from crying in pain.  After that experience, at sixteen years of age, I was totally disillusioned with the religion and my parents.   They abused me in the name of the Watchtower Society's God, Jehovah. 

At the age of nineteen or twenty years, I was disfellowshiped for falling in love with my High School Sweetheart.   I did not show remorse for making love to him.  What is more beautiful than love?  It was not just sex.  We were in love.  

After the Jehovah's Witnesses threw me out, I was on my own and I do mean alone.  My boyfriend of three years left me and my family shunned me.  So I fell into a deep depression and had a nervous breakdown and gained a lot of weight, because food became my friend.  I struggle with this eating disorder, even today.  

Even though I was emotionally destroyed and shut down, every meeting night, my father would bang on my bedroom door.  It was meeting time and my parents did not care about my mental state.  They just kept pushing me, until I moved out.  Then, to my horror, the Elders came knocking on my door and harassing me.  They would not leave me alone, no matter what, so I moved all by myself from Florida to Colorado to get away from the abuse and harassment.  They stole my youth and my soul and I hate that Cult, called the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Noel Parsons at 7:43 PM body {background-color: transparent;}a, span {font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size: 14px;color: #000000;display: block;} function reportClick() { var iframer = window.iframes.iframer; if (iframer.onclick) { iframer.onclick(); } }


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Friday, October 10, 2014

Bobby Frost 'Moons' the Congregation

Contributed by Christian Sparlock FreedomWhy do earthling men not realize that both homosexuality and lesbianism occur as a natural order of things, put in place from the beginning, in order to prevent the eventual overpopulation of the earth, since this alleged anomaly occurs even in the animal kingdom?  These things were never condemned by God, nor by his son, according to the bible.  They have only always been condemned by earthling men....just like the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society of Jehoah's Witnesses.  

Six years ago today, I found my Jehovah's Witness "brother" and best friend hanging in his bedroom.  We were both seventeen years old, at that time.  He hung himself because he, like me, is Gay and did not or could not tell anyone at the Kingdom Hall. 

When I was age twenty-one, two years ago, during a meeting at the Kingdom Hall, I stood up, pulled my pants, down, grabbed my tie, held it in the air, as if it were a noose around my neck and yelled out, 

"I'M GAY and I am going to Kill myself in front of all of you!" 

The congregation just sat there saying, "It's just a passing phase."  I looked at an elder, who was about sixty years old and asked him, "Was it just a passing phase for you, too, because you have been giving me oral sex since I was fifteen years old?" 

When I went home, I was kicked out of the house for good.  Then came the disfellowshipping and shunning.

For the last two years, I have been living on my own and paying my own way for college. The only good works that I am doing are for myself.

Noel Parsons at 9:20 PM body {background-color: transparent;}a, span {font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size: 14px;color: #000000;display: block;} function reportClick() { var iframer = window.iframes.iframer; if (iframer.onclick) { iframer.onclick(); } }


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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Douglas Metcaff Leaves Because of Watchtower Society Greed by Anne Marie DeSoto

I was in the McDonalds in Tewkesbury, Massachusetts this morning with my friends, on our way to the annual Witnesses Now For Jesus Convention in Pennsylvania, and I met a sweet man who was disabled...blind in one eye, deaf in one ear, missing a part of his right hand, barely walking with a cane. His name is Douglas Metcaff, and he used to be Jehovah's Witness.

Douglas told me why he left the Watchtower Organization...

Recently, the organization wrote a letter to all the congregations of the Watchtower, saying that their Kingdom Hall loans had been "forgiven," (good news, right?), but the catch was that the Watchtower now requested that each congregation speak to each member and ask how much money they could commit to "donating" each month, as Watchtower had said in their letter that they needed money, and asked each congregation, as a whole, to come up with a figure that they could commit to "donating" to them each month. I had heard of this but had not spoken with anyone about this development who was directly affected.

Douglas, obviously a poor man, said that he had been pressured by an elder to committing a "donation" to the Watchtower of $20 a week... A WEEK!!! I was shocked. I asked Douglas why he was being pressured to "donate" so much...especially since he only gets his Disability Check once a month. He said he'd asked the elder the same the thing. "Because the Watchtower needs the money," was the elders reply. Douglas said he felt betrayed and heartbroken as he was faithfully doing his best to serve Jehovah, and he was just getting by on what little income he had. He told me that this is why he left the Watchtower.

I told Douglas Metcaff that I was going to tell everyone what happened to him, and I asked for his full name and to share his information, which he agreed to. He told me he had belonged to the Tewksbury Congregation in Massachusetts.

Anyone who really knows the Watchtower knows how greedy they are about money...that they are a MUTI-BILLION-DOLLAR BUSINESS in the name of religion and yet they always seem to "need" more money from their members; that they benefit from the free, volunteer labor of hundreds of their members in the on going construction of their new facilities; that they "encourage" older members to leave their money and estates to them instead of to their families. I've heard tearful stories of families crying on the front lawn as the Watchtower lawyers moved in to take over the home before the dead JW family member's body is barely cold, allowing the family maybe twenty minutes to gather sentimental items, such as photos, etc., but that they are not allowed to take anything of value not specifically willed to them, the property then being quickly accessed and sold, the profits going to further fill Watchtower Coffers, and stories like this have occurred many times. Faithful followers of the Watchtower need to wake up to what the Watchtower really is all about.

I can't get sweet, humble Douglas Metcaff out of my mind, struggling to stand straight with his cane as I shook the hand that was crippled, and I swore to him that I was going to tell what had happened to him, and so I ask each of you to please just hit your "share" button so that others can know about Douglas Metcaff...a sweet, poor, and lonely little man who only wanted to serve God, but who painfully realized his real worth lay only in how much money he was willing to pledge to "donate" to the Watchtower each month. Now he is being SHUNNED as being "wicked" and "disloyal." I cannot, in good conscience, just let this one go.

So please hit the "share" button...hit for Douglas; hit it for all those who pay money every month to the Watchtower; hit it for those who cry on the front lawn as they watch the home they grew up in sold out from under them by the Watchtower; hit it in the name of justice...

Noel Parsons at 12:04 PM body {background-color: transparent;}a, span {font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size: 14px;color: #000000;display: block;} function reportClick() { var iframer = window.iframes.iframer; if (iframer.onclick) { iframer.onclick(); } }


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Friday, October 3, 2014


Brenda Lee

“Long ago it began…the life of a child too young to know the torment and torture she would experience in her years to come—the agony of life.  Why this agony?   Maybe it was her parents, or maybe it was herself, but mostly it was her environment; a world in which she could not cope with life and the people in her life.  As she viewed the grotesque, blood-spattered bodies that lay before her, she reflected on her past with anxiety.”

I was age nine years, when two ‘nice’ strangers visited our family farm, ten years old, when I was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and age twelve years, when I penned the words above for a school project.  In three short years, I went from a happy, carefree child, who played with cousins all day long, to one who wanted to end it all.  I titled my assignment, “All Alone in the World.”  Fortunately, I never intended to go through with my horrific fantasy.  My strong will to survive and common sense kept my young life from spiraling into a suicidal/homicidal abyss.  

Thirty years later, these words opened Chapter 1 of my memoirs, Out of the Cocoon:  A Young Woman’s Courageous Flight from the Grip of a Religious Cult, published in 2006, by Robert D. Reed Publishers.   Out of The Cocoon

As a Jehovah’s Witness, I felt as if I had been rolled in honey and pinned to an ant hill.  Our five weekly meetings were torturous enough, but the religious assemblies (conventions) lasted for five days, 10-12 hours a day.  To cope with the tedium, I gnawed on my nails until they bled.  I dissociated so I could survive the long indoctrination sessions.   I witnessed my nephews being physically abused for not sitting still—a common outcome for restless Jehovah’s Witness children.  I, too, was physically and/or emotionally abused as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses by my family, bullies and teachers.  My mother told me, “Persecution is good for you.  It shows we are in the right religion.”  I didn’t buy into her reasoning.  For nearly a decade, I had NO friends in “The Lie” (what I prefer to call their version of “The Truth”), because there were no children my age attending our rural Kingdom Hall and I had been long since cut off from my “worldly cousins.”  I felt utterly alone.  Keeping a journal provided some relief until my mother discovered my diary.  To protect my identity, I wrapped my journal in plastic bags and hid it in an old log in the forest.  Every time I felt the need to express myself, I went into the forest to write.  I still have it today.  It contains my baby teeth taped inside, a reminder of the childhood I lost.

The best way I can describe what I went through is to imagine someone holding a pillow over your face for nearly a decade, letting in just enough oxygen so that you did not die.  TV, books, associations and songs were censored.  While my mother seemed to feel rejuvenated by her new friendships and relentless church activities, I suffered in silence, gasping for air.  “EIGHTEEN!  Just make it to 1980, and you will be legally old enough to leave,” became my mantra.  Every year became a countdown for me: 8 years until I’m free; 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!  

Being the ever-resourceful Brenda Lee, I cast a lifeline by creating an underground letter-writing network with my non-Jehovah's Witness aunt in Colorado.  My mother forbade me to communicate with her sister, but I knew if I could gain a sympathetic ear, my aunt might help me escape.  Aunt B sent her letters to my schoolmate, who became our intermediary.  Aunt B became my confidant and adult voice of reason, during my incredibly stressful teenage years.  Every letter I received from her felt like a few drops of water in the desert.  

Meanwhile, I dutifully did everything the Watchtower Society required of me, including proselytizing door-to-door, up to 100 hours per month.  Vicious dogs chased me, as did creepy owners with shotguns.  Forced to wear a dress, I froze in the winter and, as a redhead, blistered in the summer.  In many respects, I felt like the Barbie dolls I had played with—molded, manipulated and  fake. I was the perfect “plastic” Jehovah’s Witness teenager.  I knew I had to quietly put in my time, while scheming and plotting my escape.  Outside, I looked like one person, but inside, I fought for the real me, the one who was eroding away.  I understood a butterfly’s metamorphosis and used that to my advantage; thus, the title for my future memoirs, “Out of the Cocoon.”  Like a prisoner of war, I quietly studied my opponent and learned how and when to escape.

Finally, that time came.  Just weeks prior to high school graduation and a month after my eighteenth birthday, I unleashed ten years of pent-up rage, taking my entire family by surprise.  I even threw in a few curse words for good measure, something the obedient little Jehovah's Witness girl had never done.  My mother warned me that I would become “a prostitute and thief,” because Satan had taken hold of me.  I saw her comment as misguided at best, malicious at worst.  I eyed her up, disgusted.  Was this really my mother?  I was determined to prove her wrong. 

Let me be clear about one thing.  I was NEVER disfellowshipped from the Jehovah’s Witnesses for committing any alleged Biblical “sin.”  I simply left.  That was my sin.  However, shortly after I left, my mother informed me that, per instruction from their new September, 1981 Watchtower magazine, she was to end all association with me.  [Prior to this, you had to “sin” and be  disfellowshipped in order to be shunned, but the old men in Brooklyn (Governing Body) had an epiphany of ‘new light’ when Governing Body member Ray Franz left and later wrote his book, “Crisis of Conscience.”  They realized that even those who walk away quietly can later become a verbal threat to the unity of their cult and therefore, they should be shunned.  (Ray and I both left in May of 1980.)]  In her letter to me, my mother said that I had a choice to make:  (1) return and remain a Jehovah’s Witness for the rest of my life, which meant blindly adhering 100% to all of their beliefs or (2) lose all association with my family.  It was a terrible decision for a teenager to have to make:  Family or Freedom. 

I chose Freedom.  However, like a butterfly with new wings, I was ill-equipped to fly.  Sometimes, I would struggle emotionally or financially (at one point, eating garbage to survive) and wonder if their god Jehovah was punishing me.  But then, the rational side of my brain would plow through the indoctrination and I would realize I was simply making poor decisions based on little-to-no experience with the real world.  Since then, I’ve come to realize that The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society governs “the flock” like an abusive spouse.  Their teachings set you up for failure by isolating you and dismantling your natural independence, making you co-dependent on them.  Then, when you seek to escape their dysfunction, they tell you that you are “mentally diseased” or deficient in some way (i.e., there is something wrong with you, not them).  What is worse is that they train your own family members to abuse you in this way.  

In 2009, I learned that my mother had been diagnosed with dementia and would someday lose her memory of me.  Desperate to reach her before that happened, I wrote letters to each of the Governing Body (leaders)in New York, asking them to rescind my baptism (on the basis that I was a child).  I wanted to make sure that my elderly mother would be allowed to speak to me without retribution; i.e., that she would not be shunned by my brother and sister and her grandchildren for speaking to me.  Here is the link to the letter I wrote:Letter To The Governing Body from "Out of the Cocoon"   

Not one of the nine “elite” male leaders (Governing Body members) responded to my letter.  I do not think I have ever encountered a more ruthless, callous group of individuals in my entire life.  My Aunt B used to say, “Where is the love in that religion?” Indeed.  Where?

In January, 2014, I decided to break ‘the rules’ and called my mother on her 84th birthday.  I figured, at that point, that the Watchtower could not do much to her and since my mother had dementia, perhaps it would cause her to abandon her cultic zealot persona long enough that she could talk to me openly and honestly.  I wondered: 

If she had it to do over, would she have chosen the cult over me?Did she comprehend that none of her Jehovah’s Witness “friends” visited her?Did she realize that the ‘worldly’ staff, people she once pitied and saw as Satanic, doomed to destruction at Armageddon, are now her allies and caretakers?  (Ironic, isn’t it?)

Knowing it would be an emotional experience, I recorded our conversation so I could listen to it later with a more objective mind.  I never intended to share our conversation with the rest of the world.  However, when the 1st annual event “Watchtower Victims Memorial Day” was announced for July 26, 2014, I wanted people to understand that my mother had been as much a victim of the Watchtower as I had been and that many other families like ours were at stake.  My most recent You Tube video was dedicated to my mother.  I felt it was important to include the conversation in it to provide a valuable warning:  A free Bible study with Jehovah’s Witnesses will cost you your family and possibly your sanity, in ways you cannot even begin to fathom.  I have not visited my mother, nor do I intend to see her again before she dies. 

 The biblical scripture about reaping what you sow comes to mind.  After 34 years apart, we have no seeds left to plant.  There is nothing to water, and no need to pull up any more weeds.  That garden is barren and that is okay.  In my book, I write that “Acceptance of anything outside your control is liberating.”  It’s a lesson I learned very early on.  It is a sad fact though, that the last conversation I will ever have with my mother involves her hanging up on me.  This is what a cult does to a family.  It twists love into hate, compassion into indifference, acceptance into intolerance, and security into fear.

People sometimes ask me if I could change my personal experience, would I.  No, I would not.   It has made me into the person I have become today:  more loving, giving and compassionate.  I am a better parent.  Just look at my remarkable son, Derek.  He is a testimony to what can happen if you love and nurture your child, unconditionally.  Our relationship is such a stark contrast to the one I had with my mother.  I am no longer afraid.  I can finally speak about my experience without a lump in my throat.  It has been an incredible metamorphosis, since anger, fear and resentment once ruled my young life.   I remain outspoken, not because I am angry, but because I want to pay it forward to the next family, who knows nothing about Jehovah’s Witnesses.  

Please share my latest video with others:  Should I Study With Jehovah's Witnesses? - They Seem Like Very Nice People.  (If the volume is too low, check your computer volume or turn on the subtitles (cc icon) just under the right side of the video so you can read along.)

To the old men (Governing Body members) in Brooklyn, strangers who rule over seven million Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide, I would like to say this:  

Your mind control and delusions of grandeur may have served you well for many decades and offered you enormous power and prestige within the Jehovah’s Witness community, but the internet, and especially your promotion of JW.ORG, will eventually lead to your demise, because it is exposing your evil cult on a massive scale.  You own one website.  We “apostates” own HUNDREDS.  You may have seven million + foot soldiers, but we dominate the internet.  Just Google “Jehovah’s Witness” and see how many Ex-JW (Ex-Jehovah's Witness) websites and videos pop up and continue to pop up every day.  We have lived through your oppression and not only survived, but thrived.  Our voices are our greatest weapon against your tyranny and we are no longer afraid to speak The Truth about THE LIE.

Noel Parsons at 9:21 PM body {background-color: transparent;}a, span {font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size: 14px;color: #000000;display: block;} function reportClick() { var iframer = window.iframes.iframer; if (iframer.onclick) { iframer.onclick(); } }


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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Memes Inspired by the Governing Body, the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses



Your Governing Haughty - the 'Bride-zilla Class' proclaiming themselves to now be the only mediator between God and mankind.



이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Rothschilds funded the Jehovah's Witness

Rothschilds funded the Jehovah's Witness' The Rothschilds had long had a plan to create a religion of their own for the Illuminati in Palestine... One, Charles Taze Russell, of the Illuminati Russell bloodline (the Russell's were one of the creators of the Illuminati's second chapter, Skull&Bones at Yale University) was the man who founded the Watchtower Society, also known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. He was a Satanist, a pedophile according to his wife, a friend of Rothschilds, and most certainly Illuminati. Historian, David Icke states, "...it was the Rothschilds who funded the Jehovah's Witness operation into being, along with other Illuminati bankers (ie, Kuhn, Loeb, and Co.), through "contributions" by organizations like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith. This was proved in a court of law in 1922. One of the key people involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President of B'nai B'rith. Why would an organiz

The Letter to Baron Rothschild from Russell

Jerusalem, August 18th, 1891. To the Honorable BARON HIRSCH. RESPECTED SIR: – I, a Christian, but a lover of the seed of Jacob, especially because of the promises of God yet remaining to them and the Holy Land, address you upon a subject which I know lies close to your heart. That you may know of my interest in your people, I will cause to be sent to you a copy of each of two volumes of my own writings, in which the promises of God to your nation are cited and commented upon. At present, accompanied by my wife, I am in Palestine, taking a hasty view of the land of promise and its people, and considering the prospects of the soon fulfilment of the predictions of the prophets. As you will see from my books, we find the testimony of the prophets to be, that your nation will be greatly blessed and returned to divine favor between now and the year 1915, A.D. The present persecutions in Russia we believe to be a mark of divine favor rather than the reverse. The Lord declares that he wi

Watchtower & Illuminati

The Russell Bloodline THE WATCHTOWER & THE ILLUMINATI Last year in the Jan. ’93 newsletter I wrote an artide about the Illuminati and the Watchtower Society. Recently, on Dec. 10, ’93, Texe Marrs interviewed me over international short wave radio about the 1990 book "The Watchtower and the Masons." Having got a good response from the short wave radio interview, it is only appropriate that this newsletter starts off the new year with another article on the Watchtower Society and the Illuminati. Because of numerous problems within the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses with Satanic Ritual Abuse, the Watchtower Society put out an article in the Oct. 8, 1991 issue of the magazine. Lee Waters of Bethel Headquarters kept a file on his computer of Jehovah’s Witnesses who were reported to be victims of SKA. It is possible headquarters has told him to delete the file. Another man who was at headquarters who is now believed out of the Society was also well informed of SR