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Who killed the last emperor of Rusia?

Jacob Schiff Ordered Czar and Family Murdered

July 9, 2011

Illuminati Jewish banker Jacob Schiff pulled the strings on the "Russian" Revolution, including the savage murder of Czar Nicholas II and his family. The same power is behind the New World Order.

by Krister

In July 1918, Illuminati Jewish banker Jacob Schiff sent a direct order 
thru US diplomatic channels to the Bolsheviks in Russia to murder Czar Nicholas II and his family.

This very hidden historical fact, as well as the decision-making process behind the murder of the Czar's family, is described in the book "Under The Sign Of The Scorpion"by Jyri Lina. Below is a short excerpt:

The order to murder the Tsar and his family actually came from New York. Lenin had hardly any say in the matter. The Bolsheviks had been forced to flee from Yekaterinburg in such haste that they had no time to destroy all the telegraph strips. Those strips were later found in the telegraph house. Nikolai Sokolov [author of a detailed investigation carried out in 1919 under the authority of "White" (anti-Communist) leader Alexander Kolchak] took care of them but could not decipher the telegrams. This was done only in 1922 by a group of experts in Paris. Sokolov then discovered that the strips were extremely revealing, since they dealt with the murder of the Tsar and his family.

The chairman of the Central Executive Committee, Yakov Sverdlov, sent a message to Yakov Yurovsky where he relayed that after he had told Jacob Schiff in New York about the approach of the White army, he had received orders from Schiff to liquidate the Tsar and his entire family at once. This order was delivered to Sverdlov by the American Representation, which then lay in the town of Vologda.

200px-Nicholas_II_of_Russia,_photograph.jpg(left, Nicholas II, 1868- July 17, 1918) 

Sverdlov ordered Yurovsky to carry out this order. But on the following day, Yurovsky wanted to check whether the order really applied to the whole family or just to the head of the family, the Tsar. Sverdlov then told him that the entire family was to be eliminated. Yurovsky was responsible for the order being carried out.

So Lenin did not decide any of this himself. The Jewish historian Edvard Radzinsky has tried to assert that it was Lenin who gave the orders to murder the Tsar and his family. But no such telegram has been found in the archives. Radzinsky's explanation that Lenin had this telegram destroyed does not hold water, since there is a vast amount of compromising material about Lenin otherwise. Why should he have destroyed only this particular telegram and no other equally incriminatory documents?

In November 1924, Sokolov told a close friend that his publisher was afraid to print these sensitive facts in his book. They were censored out. Sokolov showed his friend the original strips and the deciphered translations. Sokolov died suddenly one month later. He was to have traveled to the United States to give evidence in favour of Henry Ford in Kuhn, Loeb & Co's lawsuit against the car magnate who had published his book "The International Jew".

Sokolov's book "The Murder of the Tsar's Family" was published in Berlin in 1925 without the aforementioned information. These facts were made public only in 1939, in the exile periodical Tsarsky Vestnik.Jacob Schiff s role in those murders was described in Russia only in 1990

Daughters of Czar

 End of excerpt pp.276-277

The above revealing and extremely dangerous information about the REAL perpetrators of Communism is probably the main reason that "Under the Sign of the Scorpion"  is so heavily suppressed, as not possible to buy in book-shops and sabotaged by Amazon.com by a high price (today $157:95). Not only the book, but also its author is suppressed.

Jyri Lina, a former Estonian who now lives in 'liberal' Sweden, has found that freedom of expression, at least for him, has a very limited value. He's now again facing the situation of having to hold secret underground lectures for small groups, as in his 'old' days in Soviet-Estonia, before the KGB gave him the option to emigrate or go to KGB-prison.

In US, the book can be ordered from Texe Marrs or in Canada from Reino Trass. This book, as well as other books and films by the author, can also be ordered directly fromthe author.


Related -  The Jews that Murdered Czar Nicholas

Mark Weber - The Jewish Role in Bolshevik Revolution
1917_Nikolai_Sokolov_02.jpgNikolai Alexéïevitch Sokolov was born in Mokshane, near Penza in 1882. After teaching law in Karkov, he became a judge and judicial investigator. As he did not want to serve the Bolsheviks, he fled to Omsk in Siberia. With other monarchist people, he took part in several attempts to free the Romanov family without success. On February 7, 1919, he was officially appointed by Admiral Kolchak admiral to investigate the Romanovs' murder. In 1920, on the White army's defeat, Sokolov left Russia and emigrated to the small city ofSalbris in France. (41300 - Loir et Cher). Sick and without resources, he had just time to finish to write the results of his investigation before dying on November 23, 1924, leaving a 23-year-old widow and two little children. The same year, his book "Enquête judiciaire sur l'assassinat de la famille impériale Russe" (In French) was published by Payot. In this book, he concluded that the whole Romanov family has been murdered in Ipatiev house and their bodies cremated. 

Related- Full Length Documentary by Jyri Lina - In the Shadow of Hermes 


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