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Rethink about "Yahweh"

YaHWeH is Jupiter/Zeus DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that YaHWeH is REALLY the Greek deity Zeus and the Roman deity Jupiter? YaHWeH is said by a great many bible scholars and church theologians to be the correct name and pronunciation of the Creator name YHWH, or is it? Once again it is critical that we all search out the truth for ourselves!   Act 14-13 12 And they called Barnabas Jupiter (G2203 Zeus); and Paul Mercurius (G2060 Hermes), because he was the chief speaker. 13 Then the priest of Jupiter", which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.   Act 19:35 35 And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter?   Zeus - G2203 -  Ζεύς Phonetic Spelling: zyü's Transliteration: Zeus Meaning: "Jupiter or Zeus = "a father of helps" the national god of the Greeks and corresponds to the Roman Jupiter     YaHWeH is said by a great many bible scholars and church theologians to be the correct pronunciation of the Creator of Israel’s name YHWH (YaHuWaH), but is it?    The Websters 1988 Second Edition Dictionary YaHWeH Word Origin We see right in the dictionary and the Etymology that the name YaHWeH is the "hypothetical reconstruction" (NOT the irrefutable true construction) of the Tetragrammaton or the qadash (set apart) name of the creator "YaHuWaH". So, do you really want to stake your salvation in a name that is just a guess??? Interesting that the Websters Dictionary gives us the clues "ya" and "Yahu". Right off the top we know (from research and study) that in Hebrew (which is the original language) EVERY TIME the Hebrew letters "יהו" (Yod, Hey, Waw) or in English the letters "Y", "H" and "W" are together; 100 TIMES the data proves its ALWAYS pronounced YaHuW! The dictionary also reads that YaHWeH was used "IN PLACE OF" Elohim (properly spelled Alahym) meaning "Might One" or "god" in English. Notice that the etymology gives the clue words HaYaH (H1961) and HaWaH (H1933) which are both in the Heavenly Fathers true name YaHuWaH! What isn't being taught in these harlot churches, is that YaHWeH is being pronounced with the Greek vowel sounds and NOT the original pure Paleo Abary (Hebrew) vowel sounds. Study and research teaches us that in the Abary language the "Hey" ( ה or the letter "H" in English) ALWAYS makes an "aH" sound. When it comes to the Heavenly Fathers true name YWHW, the "H" makes an "aH" sound in front of his name YH = YaH, and it also makes the "aH" sound in back of his name WH = WaH (NOT "WeH"). So right there we see the Greek pronunciation is incorrect, thus their hypothetical reconstruction (best guess). Remember 100 times (in Abary names or places) it ALWAYS proves that the letter "Hey" ( ה ) is ALWAYS pronounced with an "aH" sound! Do people REALLY want to be calling on or putting their salvation in a name that's hypothetical and CANT be proven true?     YaHuWChaNaN 8:32 "John" 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. IOVE or JOVE or Jupiter The Roman Catholic church is and has been the mightiest church the world has ever seen, and in our time having more than one billion followers. It’s history goes right back to the Roman Emperor Constantine who decreed that the pagan religion of Christianity be the legal religion of the Roman Empire. Would you be amazed to know that the chief god of the Ancient Romans is still being praised and worshiped unknowingly today in our time by a multitude of Christians and Jews worldwide? The chief god of the Ancient Romans is known to us today as Jupiter, King of the Gods, but Jupiter has an older more ancient name. In English it is Jove and in classical Latin it is spelled IOVE and pronounced YaHWeH. If we check a pronunciation chart of classical Latin in a book called Vox Latina, which is one of the most respected and authoritative books on the pronunciation of classical Latin, this is what we find: The “I” is pronounced as a double “EE” sound as in the word sheep. The “O” is pronounced as a “AH” sound as in the word father. The “V” is pronounced as a “W” as in the word w-hale. The “E” is pronounced as “EH” as in the word pet. If we put the sounds together EE + AH + W + EH it pronounces YaHWeH. The EE sound + AH sound = YaH and W + EH = Weh. Put the two sounds together and it pronounces YaHWeH spelled IOVE in classical Latin which is the King of all the Roman Gods, Jupiter. The Ancient Romans worshiped and praised the name YaHWeH. One thing is for sure, YHWH (YaHuWaH) is the HEBREW deity, and IS NOT a Roman deity named YaHWeH.     if you have ever heard the famous quote: ” by JOVE… I think he’s got it! “    Jove is a euphemism for Jupiter, the Roman King of Gods and the Greeks call him Zeus. Putting it into a simpler way, it is like saying My God, By God, (in this case, by Jupiter.)   NOW you know what it means!   Cartoon from an old newspaper Happy Birthday Zeus The Greeks and Romans changed the true name of YaHuWShuWA to Zeus because Zeus has a December 25th Birthday! In Latin the term “Io” means “hail” or “praise.” December 25th in Ancient Rome, people would give praises to the pagan god Saturn on December 25th as they shouted “Io Saturnalia”. Saturnalia was a day for orgies, child sacrifices, drunkenness, gluttony, over-indulgence of the flesh and debauchery. Later on as the pagan religion of Christianity began spreading throughout the Roman Empire, the Roman pagan god  Jupiter & the Greek pagan god Zeus were merged into J’Zeus and so the mantra changed from “Io Saturnalia” (praise Saturn) to “Io Zeus” which literally means “Praise Zeus!” Jupiter | Roman god |Encyclopedia Britannica Jupiter, also called "Jove", Latin Iuppiter, Iovis, or Diespiter, the chief ancient Roman and Italian god. Like Zeus, the Greek god with whom he is etymologically identical (root diu, “bright”), Jupiter was a sky god.     JOVE Etymology Word Origin   Jupiter Etymology Word Origin   Shamoth 23:13 "Exodus" And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make NO mention of the name of other Alahym, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. OTHER RESOURCES   Apostle Bennett (www.shaluwmyah.com) -  the False Name YaHWeH WOTR YaHWeH is Jupiter, Zeus and JOVE Followers Of The Way "YaHWeH VS YaHuWaH" Unlearn, Deprogram and Re-think EVERYTHING you were taught!   Once the truth is given to a person, and if that person TRULY loves the creator, HE is expecting they make an immediate change, NOT take their sweet time getting there when they feel like it!   Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance YHWH winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent Acts 17:30   If you DON'T believe us regrading these facts, GOOD! Go do your own research, ASK YOUR PASTOR and find out for yourself, but NOW you can't say "you didn't know!" 2 Kafa 2:21 "Peter"   BACK TO TOP


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