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Watchtower's connection with Cybele goddess

Cybele with mural crown
Cybele with two lions

Mural crown on Cybele (silver tetradrachm issued by Smyrna, 160–150 BC)

mural crown (Latincorona muralis) is a crown or headpiece representing city walls or towers. In classical antiquity, it was an emblem of tutelary deities who watched over a city, and among the Romans a military decoration. Later the mural crown developed into a symbol of European heraldry, mostly for cities and towns, and in the 19th and 20th centuries was used in some republicanheraldry.

Usage in ancient timesEdit

In Hellenistic culture, a mural crown identified tutelary deities such as the goddess Tyche(the embodiment of the fortune of a city, familiar to Romans as Fortuna), and Hestia(the embodiment of the protection of a city, familiar to Romans as Vesta). The high cylindrical polos of Cybele too could be rendered as a mural crown in Hellenistic times, specifically designating the mother goddess as patron of a city.[1]

The Tyche of Antioch, Roman version of a 3rd-century BC bronze by Eutychides

The mural crown became an ancient Roman military decoration. The corona muralis (Latin for "walled crown") was a golden crown, or a circle of gold intended to resemble a battlement, bestowed upon the soldier who first climbed the wall of a besieged city or fortress to successfully place the standard of the attacking army upon it.[2][3] The Roman mural crown was made of gold, and decorated with turrets,[4] as is the heraldic version. As it was among the highest order of military decorations, it was not awarded to a claimant until after a strict investigation.[5] The rostratamural crown, composed of the rostraindicative of captured ships, was assigned as naval prize to the first in a boarding party, similar to the naval crown.

The Graeco-Roman goddess Roma's attributes on Greek coinage usually include her mural crown, signifying Rome's status as a loyal protector of Hellenic city-states.[6]

Heraldic useEdit

A heraldic mural crown

The Roman military decoration was subsequently employed in European heraldry, where the term denoted a crown modeled after the walls of a castle, which may be tinctured or (gold), argent (silver), gules (red), or proper (i.e. stone-coloured). In 19th-century Germany, mural crowns (Mauerkronen) came to be adopted for the arms of cities, with increasingly specific details: "Residential (i.e. having a royal residence) cities and capital towns usually bear a Mauerkrone with five towers, large towns one with four towers, smaller towns one with three", observed Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, in A Complete Guide to Heraldry, adding "Strict regulations in the matter do not yet exist" and warning that the usage was not British.[7]

In recent times,[when?] mural crowns were used, rather than royal crowns, for medievaland modern Italian comuni. A mural-crowned lady, Italia Turrita, personifies Italy. In Italy, comuni and some provinces and military corps have mural crowns on their coats of arms: gold with five towers for cities, and silver with nine-towered for others. The coat of arms of the Second Spanish Republic had a mural crown.

In the early 20th century Portugal established strict rules for its municipal heraldry, in which each coat of arms contains a mural crown, with three silver towers signifying a village or an urban parish, four silver towers representing a town, five silver towers standing for a city and five gold towers for a capital city. The Portuguese rules are also applied to most municipal coats of arms of Brazil and some other members of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries.

Romanian municipal coats of arms contain a mural crown, with one or three towers for villages and communes, five and seven towers for towns and municipalities.


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《This post is not intended to be taken dogmatically; I do not insist that its conclusions are correct; they are just presented for consideration.》             이기사는 계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 누구일까? 를 논의하기위해 쓰여졌다.   그점을 뒷받침하기위해 6장2절의 말탄자가 왜 흰색말을타고있는지도 살폈다.  게다가 계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 계시록 17장에 나오는 여덟째왕이 아닌 이유도 고려한다.   또한 계시록13장의전반부에나오는 표범처럼생긴 짐승이 6장2절에나오는 흰말탄자가 아닌 이유도 살폈다.   아울러서 계시록13장의후반부에나오는 "wild animal"이 6장2절의 흰말탄자가 아닌이유도 살폈다. 계시록 6장2절의 흰말탄자가 들고있는 "활"이 내포한 성격도 고려했다.  무엇보다도 특히 여호와의 증인의 종교그룹이 흰말탄자가  예수그리스도라고 지난 한세기동안 주장하고 있기때문에 그것이 아닌 이유를 체계적으로 검토하기위해 쓰여졌다.   그렇다면 계시6장2절의 흰말탄자는 과연 누구일까?    결론부터 말하자면 흰말탄자는  "3차세계대전을 일으키는  강력한 나라들(복수)"인것으로 보인다.  그러나 이들은 (계시6장8절의 짐승들) 온인류로부터 숭배받는 지구상에 마지막으로 나타나는 "세계정부"는 아니다.   먼저 이기사를 읽기위해 알아야할 사실이있다.  계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자를 계시록6장8절에서는 "땅의 짐승들"(복수)로 표현했다는점이다!  《아래는 바이블허브를 통해 계시록6장8절과 계시록13장1절및 11절을 비교한것임.》 Revelation 6:8 N-GNP GRK: ὑπὸ τῶν ✔...