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아담이 출생한 년도를 계산함.

아담이 출현한 년도 계산을 위해 먼저 기산점을 잡아야한다. (참고로 아래의 역산법에 사용된 고대족장들의나이는 희랍어70인역에 기초함)기준싯점의 년도는 다음과 같다.

1)이집트의 바로왕(AHMOSE)이 홍해바다에서 사망한 싯점:BC1525년  -이때로부터 아담출생시까지 역사를 거슬러 올라가는 역산과정을 거쳐야함. 

2)BC 1525+400년(야곱의 가족이 이집트에서보낸시간 400년)=BC1925년  
  3)BC1925+30년=BC1955년(하란에서돌아온때부터 이집트로 온가족이 이동한때까지의 시간으로 가나안땅에서  야곱의가족이 보낸30년의시간)  

4)BC1955+100년=BC2055년(약속의 땅으로 돌아올때의 야곱의나이100세) 

  5)BC2055년+60년=BC2115년(야곱이 출생시의 이삭의나이 60세) 

  6)BC2115+100년=BC2215년 (이삭출생시의 아브라함나이100세) 

   7)BC2215+130년=bc2345년(아브라함출생시 테라의나이130세*)  

  8)+79년=bc2424년(Nahor 이 Terah를 낳았을시의 나이 79세)(이점은  창세기 11장 희랍어70인역을 참고한것)  

9)+130=BC2554년 (Seruch이 Nahor를 낳았을시의 나이130세) 

  10)+132=BC2686년(Ragau가 Seruch을 낳았을시의 나이132세) 

  11)+130=BC2816년 (Phaleg이 Ragau를 낳았을시의 나이130세) 

  12)+134= BC2950년 (Heber가 Phaleg을 낳았을시의 나이)  

13)+130= 기원전3080년(Sala가heber를 낳았을시의 나이)  

14)+130세=기원전3210년(Kainan이 Sala를 낳았을시의 나이)  

15)+135= BC3345년(Arphaxad이 Kainan을 낳았을시의 나이)  

16)+2=BC3347년(Shem이 아르박삭을 낳았을때가 홍수2년뒤이므로 2년만 계산함)

-(참고로 셈이 아르박삿을 낳았을때는 셈의나이가100세였음)

17)원전 3347년은 노아홍수가 발생한해임!  

18)+1년=기원전3348년(1년은 방주에 머문기간)  

19)+97년=기원전3445 년(노아홍수시까지의 셈의 나이)  

  20)+502년=기원전3947년(Shem이 태어났을때의 노아의나이*)   
21)+188=기원전4135년(노아가탄생할때의 Lamech의 나이)   

22)+187=기원전4322년(라멕의 탄생시의 므두셀라의 나이)  

23)+165=기원전4487년(므두셀라의탄생시의 에녹의나이)  

24)+162=기원전4649년(에녹의탄생시 Jared의 나이)  

25)+165=기원전4814년(Jared이 탄생할때의  Maleleal의 나이)  

26)+170=기원전4984년(Maleleal탄생시 의 Cainen의 나이)   

27)+190=기원전5174년(Cainen의 탄생시의 Enos의 나이)  

  28)+205= 기원전5379년(Enos가탄생할때Seth의나이)   

29)+230=기원전5609년(Seth이 탄생할때의 아담의 나이)    

  *테라의나이가130세인 이유와 노아의 나이가 502세인이유는  아주 단순함!  노아의 나이는 족보를 읽어보면 금새 알 수있음!  테라의나이가 130세인 이유는 스데반의 증언을 참조해 보면 금새알 수 있음!!-

-결론:  희랍어70인역에 따르면(역산과정을거친후) 아담이 이땅에 출현한때가 기원전 *5609년*임을 알려준다.

물론 여기의계산법이 완벽하게 정확하진 않겠지만 마소렛교본을 원전으로 삼은 대부분의 창세기기록이 왜곡된 사실을 감안하여 볼때  희랍어 70인역에 기초한 계산법이 훨씬 사실에 가까울것으로 추정할 수 있다.

(만일 여기계산법이 맞다면, 인류가 출현한지 이미2018년현재, 7,627년이지난셈이다!)

또한 놀랍게도 비잔티움달력은 아담의 탄생의해가 기원전 5509년이라고 지적한다. 

우리가 역산한 결과와 단지100년의 차이 난다. 

그레고리안 달력기준의 아담출현연도가 기원4026년 경임을 감안하여 볼때 상당히 의미 깊은 결과가 나온셈이다!  

아래는  위키피디아의 비잔틴 달력에 관한 내용. 
The Byzantine calendar, also called "Creation Era of Constantinople" or "Era of the World" (Ancient Greek: Ἔτη Γενέσεως Κόσμου κατὰ Ῥωμαίους,[1] also Ἔτος Κτίσεως Κόσμου orἜτος Κόσμου), was the calendar used by theEastern Orthodox Church from c. 691 to 1728 in the Ecumenical Patriarchate. It was also the official calendar of the Byzantine Empire[note 1]from 988 to 1453, and of Kievan Rus' and Russia from c. 988 to 1700.

The calendar was based on the Julian calendar, except that the year started on 1 September and the year number used anAnno Mundi epoch derived from theSeptuagint version of the Bible. It placed the date of creation at 5509 years before theIncarnation, and was characterized by a certain tendency which had already been a tradition among Jews and early Christians to number the years from the calculated foundation of the world (Latin: Annus Mundior Ab Origine Mundi— "AM").[note 2] Its Year One, marking the supposed date of creation, was September 1, 5509 BC, to August 31, 5508 BC.

         참고로 오늘날  여호와의 증인종교그룹을 포함해서 여러 기독교 단체들이 마소렛교본에 기초하여 계산한바에 따르면, 기원전 4026년경에 아담이 출현햇다라고 가르친다.  다음의 기사는 그같은 부정확한 결론에 도달한 계산법에 대하여 자세히 알려준다.

워치타워 협회의 아담창조연도 역산법을 여기에 소개하는 이유는 독자로 하여금 두가지계산법을 서로 비교해볼 수 있도록 하게하기 위함이다.

참조: 여호와의 증인종교그룹은 자신들의 교세를 확장하는 수단으로 이같은 계산법을 활용해온것으로 보인다.

그들  여호와의증인의 종교지도자들은 (이른바 통치체) 인류가 1914년부터 말세에 돌입했다고 주장해왔고, 임박한 아마겟돈전쟁과 큰환난에 대하여 강조해왔다. 

이들은 창세기의 각각의 창조의 날들의 길이가  7000년이라고 억지주장을 펼치면서, 아담이 창조된해가 기원전4026년이므로(당연히 마소렛교본에 기초한 엉터리 계산법이 이끌어낸 엉터리 결론임) 기원1975년 가을이 되면 인간창조 6000년이되는해이고, 따라서 계시록에 언급되어있는 1000년통치의 기간을 합쳐서 6000년+1000년=7000년 이며, 이기간이 끝나면 인간 완전성에 도달한다 라고 가르쳐왔다. 

실제로 이와같은  계산법으로 여호와의증인을 구성하는 성원들의 숫자가 1975년전후로(특히 1966년부터) 큰폭으로 증가했다! 

이것은 그들의 연감을 통해서  전도인 숫자의 변화를 살피면 확인할  수 있다.  허나, 성서 창세기의  창조의날의 길이는 성서가  알려주지 않는다! 

따라서  그러한 길이를 추리하는것은 무의미하다. 

실제로 수많은 사람들이 이같은 엉터리 주장과 계산방식에  현혹되어 세상종말이 곧오는것으로 착각하고 여러 형태로된 광신자적인 태도를 드러냈다. 

여호와의 증인종교그룹만이 그런태도를 보인것은 아니다. 기원1491년이 되기 훨씬 이전부터 모스크바를  중심으로한  종말론자들이 활동적으로 포교활동을 하던 때도 있었음을 역사는 알려준다.

그당시는 기원전5509년이 아담이 창조된때라고  비잔티움달력에서 주장하기 때문에 5509년+1491년=7000년의 계산법이 작동하고있었을 것이다!  

  따라서 이와같은 엉터리 계산법에 현혹되지 않고 그릇인도받지 않으려면 성서가 실제로 알려주는 년도는 과연 무엇인지 확인해볼 필요가 생긴다.

당연히 이러한 아담창조년도를 역산해보는것은  창세기의 "창조의날"의 길이를 알아내는 것과 전혀 관련이 없다. 

성서는 언제 세상종말이 오며, 언제 큰환난이 인류에게 닥치는지 날짜를 알려주지 않는다.

인터넷에  떠도는 그런 이야기는 그들 기사 작성자의 추측이고 바램일 뿐이다.

이제 여기에 1975년이 아담창조의 6000년이되는해라고 주장한  여호와의증인의 통치체성원이었던  프레드릭 프렌즈가 작성한 기사를 살펴보자.


Looking back into the distant past we see another milestone in man's history, the never-to-be-forgotten exodus of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, under the leadership of Moses. Were it not for Jehovah's faithful Word the Bible, it would be impossible to locate this great event accurately on the calendar, for Egyptian hieroglyphics are conspicuously silent concerning the humiliating defeat handed that first world power by Jehovah. But with the Bible's chronology, how relatively simple it is to date that memorable event!

At 1 Kings 6:1 we read: 'And it came about in the four hundred and eightieth year after the sons of Israel came out from the land of Egypt, in the fourth year, in the month of Ziv, that is, the second month, after Solomon became king over Israel, that he proceeded to build the house to Jehovah.'

With this information, one has only to determine what calendar year Solomon began building the temple, and it is then an easy matter to figure when Pharaoh's army was destroyed in the Red Sea.

'And the days that Solomon had reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel were forty years.' (1 Kings 11:42) This means that his last full regnal year ended in the spring of 997 B.C.E. Adding 40 to 997 gives 1037 B.C.E., the year that Solomon began his peaceful reign. He did not begin the temple building, as the account says, until the second month of the fourth year of his reign, which means he had ruled a full three years and one month. Thus subtracting 3 years from 1037 one gets 1034 B.C.E., the year that the building work began. The time of the year was the second month Ziv, that is, April-May. This, the Bible says, was 'in the four hundred and eightieth year' after the Israelites left Egypt.

Anytime we put a 'th' on the end of a number, for instance on the number 10, saying 10th, the number is changed from a cardinal to an ordinal number. When one speaks about playing baseball in the tenth inning of the game, it means that nine full innings have already been played, but only part of the tenth; ten innings are not yet completed. Likewise, when the Bible uses an ordinal number, saying that the building of the temple began in the 480th year after the Israelites left Egypt, and when that particular year on the calendar is known to be 1034 B.C.E., then we add 479 full years (not 480) to 1034 and arrive at the date 1513 B.C.E., the year of the Exodus. It too was springtime, Passover time, the 14th day of the month Nisan.


Already, with the help supplied by the Bible, we have accurately measured back from the spring of this year 1968 C.E. to the spring of 1513 B.C.E., a total of 3,480 years. With the continued faithful memory and accurate historical record of Jehovah's Holy Word, we can penetrate even deeper into the past, back to the flood of Noah's day.
Stephen, the first martyred footstep follower of Jesus Christ, referred to what Jehovah said would befall Abraham's offspring. 'Moreover, God spoke to this effect that his seed would be alien residents in a foreign land and the people would enslave them and afflict them for four hundred years.' (Acts 7:6; Gen. 15:13) Stephen here mentions three of Israel's past experiences: As alien residents in a foreign land, as people in slavery, and as people afflicted for four hundred years.

It would be a mistake to assume that all three of these experiences were of equal duration, or that they were separate individual experiences that followed one another in consecutive order. It was long after their entrance into Egypt as aliens that they were enslaved, more than 70 years later, and sometime after the death of Joseph. Rather, Stephen was saying that within the same 400-year period in which they were afflicted, they were also enslaved and were also alien residents.

Please note that, when Stephen said they were 'alien residents in a foreign land . . . for four hundred years,' he did not say and he did not mean to imply that they were not alien residents before entering Egypt. So it is a mistake to insist that this text proves the Israelites were in Egypt for four hundred years. It is true that, upon entering Egypt and being presented before Pharaoh for the first time, Joseph's brothers said: 'We have come to reside as aliens in the land.' But they did not say nor did they mean that up until then they had not been alien residents, for on the same occasion their father Jacob, when asked by Pharaoh how old he was, declared: 'The days of the years of my alien residences are a hundred and thirty years.' And not only had Jacob spent his whole lifetime as an alien resident before coming to Egypt, but he told Pharaoh that his forefathers before him also had been alien residents. — Gen. 47:4-9.

Since the affliction of Israel ended in 1513 B.C.E., it must have begun in 1913, 400 years earlier. That year would correspond to the time that Isaac was afflicted by Ishmael 'poking fun' at him on the day that Isaac was weaned. At the time, Isaac was five years old, and this was long before the Israelites entered Egypt.—Gen. 21:8, 9.

Well, then, how long were the Israelites down in Egypt as alien residents? Exodus 12:40, 41 says, 'And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came about at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt.'

Here verse 40 in the Septuagint reads: 'But the dwelling of the sons of Israel which they [and their fathers, Alexandrine MS] dwelt in the land of Egypt AND IN THE LAND OF CANAAN [was] four hundred and thirty years long.' The Samaritan Pentateuch reads: 'IN THE LAND OF CANAAN and in the land of Egypt.' Thus both of these versions, which are based on Hebrew texts older than the Masoretic, include the words 'in the land of Canaan' together with the word 'Egypt.'

From the time that Abraham entered Canaan until Isaac's birth was 25 years; from that time until Jacob's birth, 60 more years; and after that it was another 130 years before Jacob entered Egypt. All together, this makes a total of 215 years, exactly half of the 430 years, spent in Canaan before moving in to Egypt. (Gen. 12:4; 21:5; 25:26; 47:9) The apostle Paul, under inspiration, also confirms that from the making of the Abrahamic covenant at the time the patriarch moved into Canaan, it was 430 years down to the institution of the Law covenant. — Gal. 3:17.

By adding these 430 years to the 1513, it puts us back to 1943 B.C.E., the time when Abraham first entered Canaan following the death of his father Terah in Haran, Mesopotamia. It is now only a matter of adding up the years of a few generations to date the Flood correctly. The figures are given in Genesis, chapters 11 and 12, and may be summarized as follows:

From start of Flood to Arpachshad's birth (Gen. 11:10) 2 years

To birth of Shelah (11:12) 35 years

To birth of Eber (11:14) 30 years

To birth of Peleg (11:26) 34 years

To birth of Reu (11:18) 30 years

To birth of Serug (11:20) 32 years

To birth of Nahor (11:22) 30 years

To birth of Terah (11:24) 29 years

To death of Terah in Haran, and Abram's departure to Canaan at age of 75 (11:32; 12:4) 205 years

Total 427 years

Adding these 427 years to the year 1943 B.C.E. dates the beginning of the Deluge at 2370 B.C.E., 4,337 years ago.


In a similar manner, it is only necessary to add up the following years involving ten pre-Flood generations to get the date of Adam's creation, namely:

From Adam's creation

To birth of Seth (Gen. 5:3) 130 years

To birth of Enosh (5:6) 105 years

To birth of Kenan (5:9) 90 years

To birth of Mahalalel (5:12) 70 years

To birth of Jared (5:15) 65 years

To birth of Enoch (5:18) 162 years

To birth of Methuselah (5:21) 65 years

To birth of Lamech (5:25) 187 years

To birth of Noah (5:28, 29) 182 years

To beginning of Flood (7:6) 600 years

Total 1,656 years

Adding this figure 1,656 to 2,370 gives 4026 B.C.E., the Gregorian calendar year in which Adam was created. Since man naturally began to count time with his own beginning, and since man's most ancient calendars started each year in the autumn, it is reasonable to assume that the first man Adam was created in the fall of the year.

Thus, through a careful independent study by dedicated Bible scholars who have pursued the subject for a number of years, and who have not blindly followed some traditional chronological calculations of Christendom, we have arrived at a date for Adam's creation that is 22 years more distant in the past than Ussher's figure. This means time is running out two decades sooner than traditional chronology anticipates.

After much of the mathematics and genealogies, really, of what benefit is this information to us today? Is it not all dead history, as uninteresting and profitless as walking through a cemetery copying old dates off tombstones? After all, why should we be any more interested in the date of Adam's creation than in the birth of King Tut? Well, for one thing, if 4,026 is added to 1,968 (allowing for the lack of a zero year between C.E. and B.C.E.) one gets a total of 5,993 years, come this autumn, since Adam's creation. That means, in the fall of the year 1975, a little over seven years from now (and not in 1997, as would be the case if Ussher's figures were correct), it will be 6,000 years since the creation of Adam, the father of all mankind!


Are we to assume from this study that the battle of Armageddon will be all over by the autumn of 1975, and the long-looked-for thousand-year reign of Christ will begin by then? Possibly, but we wait to see how closely the seventh thousand-year period of man's existence coincides with the Sabbath-like thousand-year reign of Christ. If these two periods run parallel with each other as to the calendar year, it will not be by mere chance or accident but will be according to Jehovah's loving and timely purposes. Our chronology, however, which is reasonably accurate (but admittedly, not infallible), at the best only points to the autumn of 1975 as the end of 6,000 years of man's existence on earth. It does not necessarily mean that 1975 marks the end of the first 6,000 years of Jehovah's seventh creative 'day.' Why not? Because after his creation Adam lived some time during the 'sixth day,' which unknown amount of time would need to be subtracted from Adam's 930 years, to determine when the sixth seven-thousand-year period or 'day' ended, and how long Adam lived into the 'seventh day.' And yet the end of that sixth creative 'day' could end within the same Gregorian calendar year of Adam's creation. It may involve only a difference of weeks or months, not years.

위의 기사는 여호와의 증인의 통치체 성원 이었던  프레드릭 프렌즈의 1975년 관련  기사 내용.

이같은 결론에 도달한이유는 그들이 희랍어70인역을 도외시하고 마소렛교본에 기초한 번역판들을 신뢰하였기때문에 나타난 결론임.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

The Letter to Baron Rothschild from Russell

Jerusalem, August 18th, 1891. To the Honorable BARON HIRSCH. RESPECTED SIR: – I, a Christian, but a lover of the seed of Jacob, especially because of the promises of God yet remaining to them and the Holy Land, address you upon a subject which I know lies close to your heart. That you may know of my interest in your people, I will cause to be sent to you a copy of each of two volumes of my own writings, in which the promises of God to your nation are cited and commented upon. At present, accompanied by my wife, I am in Palestine, taking a hasty view of the land of promise and its people, and considering the prospects of the soon fulfilment of the predictions of the prophets. As you will see from my books, we find the testimony of the prophets to be, that your nation will be greatly blessed and returned to divine favor between now and the year 1915, A.D. The present persecutions in Russia we believe to be a mark of divine favor rather than the reverse. The Lord declares that ...

Rothschilds funded the Jehovah's Witness

Rothschilds funded the Jehovah's Witness' The Rothschilds had long had a plan to create a religion of their own for the Illuminati in Palestine... One, Charles Taze Russell, of the Illuminati Russell bloodline (the Russell's were one of the creators of the Illuminati's second chapter, Skull&Bones at Yale University) was the man who founded the Watchtower Society, also known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. He was a Satanist, a pedophile according to his wife, a friend of Rothschilds, and most certainly Illuminati. Historian, David Icke states, "...it was the Rothschilds who funded the Jehovah's Witness operation into being, along with other Illuminati bankers (ie, Kuhn, Loeb, and Co.), through "contributions" by organizations like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith. This was proved in a court of law in 1922. One of the key people involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President of B'nai B'rith. Why would an organiz...

계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 누구인가?

《This post is not intended to be taken dogmatically; I do not insist that its conclusions are correct; they are just presented for consideration.》             이기사는 계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 누구일까? 를 논의하기위해 쓰여졌다.   그점을 뒷받침하기위해 6장2절의 말탄자가 왜 흰색말을타고있는지도 살폈다.  게다가 계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 계시록 17장에 나오는 여덟째왕이 아닌 이유도 고려한다.   또한 계시록13장의전반부에나오는 표범처럼생긴 짐승이 6장2절에나오는 흰말탄자가 아닌 이유도 살폈다.   아울러서 계시록13장의후반부에나오는 "wild animal"이 6장2절의 흰말탄자가 아닌이유도 살폈다. 계시록 6장2절의 흰말탄자가 들고있는 "활"이 내포한 성격도 고려했다.  무엇보다도 특히 여호와의 증인의 종교그룹이 흰말탄자가  예수그리스도라고 지난 한세기동안 주장하고 있기때문에 그것이 아닌 이유를 체계적으로 검토하기위해 쓰여졌다.   그렇다면 계시6장2절의 흰말탄자는 과연 누구일까?    결론부터 말하자면 흰말탄자는  "3차세계대전을 일으키는  강력한 나라들(복수)"인것으로 보인다.  그러나 이들은 (계시6장8절의 짐승들) 온인류로부터 숭배받는 지구상에 마지막으로 나타나는 "세계정부"는 아니다.   먼저 이기사를 읽기위해 알아야할 사실이있다.  계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자를 계시록6장8절에서는 "땅의 짐승들"(복수)로 표현했다는점이다!  《아래는 바이블허브를 통해 계시록6장8절과 계시록13장1절및 11절을 비교한것임.》 Revelation 6:8 N-GNP GRK: ὑπὸ τῶν ✔...