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Macmillan was a longtime Watchtower official and family friend who went by the name "Mack" around our house. He could be trusted. After all, he was from Bethel, Watchtower world headquarters. Macmillan wrote of Franz in his book: "he carried away the honors at the University of Cincinnati and was offered the privilege of going to Oxford or Cambridge in England under the Rhodes plan" (pg. 181).
Some Witnesses say that Macmillan's book would not be considered authoritative any more, since it was published in 1957. However, Watchtower leaders did cite it as late as 1981 to validate Franz's credentials. In January 1981, a letter of inquiry was sent to Bethel asking about Franz's credentials. The Watchtower said in its response, dated Feb. 20, 1981: "Your letter of January 23, 1981, now has our attention. In response to your inquiries regarding scholastic abilities of Brother Franz, we are enclosing a photocopy of page 181 from the publication Faith On the March. We trust our comments prove helpful to you." The letter was stamped with the official signature: Watchtower B. & T. Society of New York, Inc. More recently, the Society and Franz have admitted that Macmillan's book was inaccurate. Franz wrote his autobiography in the article "Looking Back Over 93 Years of Living" for the May 1, 1987, Watchtower magazine. In it, he wrote: "I had been chosen to go to Ohio State University to take competitive examinations with others to win the prize of the Cecil Rhodes Scholarship." Taking the exams to qualify for a scholarship is a far cry from Macmillan's claims that "he carried away the honors at the University of Cincinnati and was offered the privilege of going to Oxford or Cambridge in England under the Rhodes plan." Franz continued, "I appreciated that I had measured up to the requirements for gaining the scholarship." Franz then admitted that he did not receive the scholarship, but "measured up to the requirements," which is far removed from being "offered the privilege of going to Oxford or Cambridge in England under the Rhodes plan," as Macmillan had written. Where did Macmillan get his information for his 1957 book? Undoubtedly from Franz himself. When writing his autobiography, Franz probably never imagined that his 1911 transcript would surface
In 1910, the muscle and bone branches of the Illuminati reconfigured themselves with the creation of the Round Table groups in 1910. The Astor's were the part of the financial backers behind the Round Table groups along with Abe Bailey. Rhodes and Milner were key players in setting up The Society of the Elect, a super secret top circle of Illuminati. Rhodes Trust in part helped by the Astor, helps finance the Rhodes Scholarship system. Rhodes a high ranking Freemason wanted the Masonic clap-trap as part of these various new groups, but Milner and Brett did away with the Masonic rituals and costumes, etc.
In 1919, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) was created. And the Astor's were the major financial backers of the RIIA which functions as the 4° cover of the Illuminati. For those who are new to this, the RIIA is the British equivalent to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which takes a major role in the policy making process in the U.S. Waldorf Astoria was appointed to the RIIA. Just above the CFR/RIIA are round table groups which were initially named by Cecil Rhodes as the “Association of Helpers”. Cecil Rhodes set up the Rhodes Scholarships to recruit and bring top men from several nations to Oxford to be initiated into the Illuminati and to learn about how to bring in a One-World-Government, So the initial selection into the Rhodes program--1st degree of the Illuminati - is equivalent to the initiation into the Skull & Bones. In the picture you see how the Cliveden Astor's were intimately connected to the Rhodes Scholars. Rhodes Scholars frequently went to the Cliveden Estate. By looking at the genealogy chart you can see how the family in London broke up into two powerful segments. One part centered around the Cleveden Estate. Another group became Barons-the Astor's of Hever - or the Hever Astor's for short. William Waldorf Astor owned the Pall Mall Gazette, the Observer, and the Pall Mall Magazine. The London Times was largely controlled by the Astor's, and since 1922 they have owned this major source of British news. The DuPont's and the Rockefeller's also have some major businesses where they too own blatant large holdings. However, most of the wealth of the 13 Top families is hidden so that the ties to who owns it are difficult to track. Hoyt Ammidon has been a proxy for Vincent Astor and the other Astor's. (See membership list of Illuminati in this newsletter). The Astor family also used Owen Lattimore as their proxy for opium trade, who in turn used Laura Spelman who was funded by the Institute for Pacific Relations (I. P. R.).
Initial List of Rhodes Scholars
The fact that Rutherford and Franz were inline to receive the Rhodes Scholarship speaks volumes when you look at all the Masons and Globalist people who, alone receive it, above non elitists.
Two of the key early Watchtower Society leaders were Bundy’s. These were Walter H. Bundy, who went with Charles Taze Russell to Great Britain on his May 29-31, 1909 trip, and Edwin Bundy who worked at the Bethel Headquarters at the turn of the century and traveled around the U.S. for the Watchtower Society from 1906 to 1910. Of course the Bundy family is one of the top 13 Illuminist bloodlines connected with Zionist and Masonic groups and families.
This newsletter hasn’t gotten to an individual article on the Russell family, but they go way back in the Illuminati. The Russell’s are responsible for starting the Skull & Bones Order, the Pilgrim Society, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, and the Masonic Daughters of Isabella (DOI). Archibald D. Russell (1811-1871) a Mason from Scotland set up still other organizations. (Scotland has played a key role in the Illuminati. One example of thousands is, Marriner S. Eccles - Gov. of the Fed. Reserve Board & supporter of FDR, who is member of the wealthy Mormon Illuminati Eccles family which came over from Scotland.) The Russells played a key role in the opium trade in the early 1800s and early Mormonism. One of the Russell business partners was Warren Delano, Jr., chief of Russell and Company operations in Canton, China. Delano was the grandfather of Pres. Franklin Roosevelt. The Russell and Company logo was a Skull and Bones. The Taft family (which is also related to George Bush by blood) and the Harriman family are two families that have been intimately connected to the Skull and Bones Order (which is an entry point into the Illuminati and on the surface just an exclusive fraternity). ‘Note: Since this was written Bo Gritz and the Mormon church have gone separate ways. Bo Gritz, under the direction of his CIA handier, has been moving around talking to Patriots, and establishing a community called ‘Almost Heaven’ near Kamiah, ID. Fritz’s newsletters have had several articles about Bo Gritz, including one entitled S.P.I.K.E., which is what Bo calls the training he is giving people.’ The Harriman family is also very prominent in Pres. Bill Clinton’s life. Averell Harriman1 was the CEO of George Bush’s father’s company. Averell Harriman’s wife was Pamela who has played an extremely important part in Bill Clinton’s life. Pamela Harriman raised more money for the Democratic Party than any other single person (Newsweek, 5/15/1987). She created a political action committee nicknamed PAM PAC. When Bill Clinton lost his race for governor, Pamela made Bill Clinton head (chairman) of her PAM PAC. (It took Brian Quig, a Christian researcher like myself, to expose the connections between Bill Clinton and Pamela Harriman. Can you guess why the establishment media somehow carefully kept their relationship secret?) When Bill Clinton was in high school, he shook hands with President John F. Kennedy (a member of one of the Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines-see 5/15/93 Newsletter). The master of ceremonies at the affair where JFK and Clinton met was Winthrop Rockefeller (another member of a Top 13 Illuminati family, and at the time Governor of New York.) In the film clips of this event which the establishment media have used recently, the establishment media edited out Winthrop Rockefeller from the scenes of Clinton and JFK. (Now why do you think they did that?) The Astor family (one of the top 13 families) was intimately connected to the creation of the Rhodes Scholarship. (See 1/1/93 newsletter on the Astor family). Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and looked up to Prof. Carroll Quigley, the archivist of the CFR, as a mentor. The Quigley-Clinton connection introduces more connections between Clinton and the Illuminati. Quigley side-tracked people by making people think the elite were Anglophiles who wanted the British to rule the world. Although the elite are partial to the English language as a lingua-franca, in their heart their allegiance is not to Britain but to Satan. Clinton has been compared to JFK & FDR by people, perhaps in a negative sense the comparison is appropriate.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

The Letter to Baron Rothschild from Russell

Jerusalem, August 18th, 1891. To the Honorable BARON HIRSCH. RESPECTED SIR: – I, a Christian, but a lover of the seed of Jacob, especially because of the promises of God yet remaining to them and the Holy Land, address you upon a subject which I know lies close to your heart. That you may know of my interest in your people, I will cause to be sent to you a copy of each of two volumes of my own writings, in which the promises of God to your nation are cited and commented upon. At present, accompanied by my wife, I am in Palestine, taking a hasty view of the land of promise and its people, and considering the prospects of the soon fulfilment of the predictions of the prophets. As you will see from my books, we find the testimony of the prophets to be, that your nation will be greatly blessed and returned to divine favor between now and the year 1915, A.D. The present persecutions in Russia we believe to be a mark of divine favor rather than the reverse. The Lord declares that ...

Rothschilds funded the Jehovah's Witness

Rothschilds funded the Jehovah's Witness' The Rothschilds had long had a plan to create a religion of their own for the Illuminati in Palestine... One, Charles Taze Russell, of the Illuminati Russell bloodline (the Russell's were one of the creators of the Illuminati's second chapter, Skull&Bones at Yale University) was the man who founded the Watchtower Society, also known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. He was a Satanist, a pedophile according to his wife, a friend of Rothschilds, and most certainly Illuminati. Historian, David Icke states, "...it was the Rothschilds who funded the Jehovah's Witness operation into being, along with other Illuminati bankers (ie, Kuhn, Loeb, and Co.), through "contributions" by organizations like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith. This was proved in a court of law in 1922. One of the key people involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President of B'nai B'rith. Why would an organiz...

계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 누구인가?

《This post is not intended to be taken dogmatically; I do not insist that its conclusions are correct; they are just presented for consideration.》             이기사는 계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 누구일까? 를 논의하기위해 쓰여졌다.   그점을 뒷받침하기위해 6장2절의 말탄자가 왜 흰색말을타고있는지도 살폈다.  게다가 계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 계시록 17장에 나오는 여덟째왕이 아닌 이유도 고려한다.   또한 계시록13장의전반부에나오는 표범처럼생긴 짐승이 6장2절에나오는 흰말탄자가 아닌 이유도 살폈다.   아울러서 계시록13장의후반부에나오는 "wild animal"이 6장2절의 흰말탄자가 아닌이유도 살폈다. 계시록 6장2절의 흰말탄자가 들고있는 "활"이 내포한 성격도 고려했다.  무엇보다도 특히 여호와의 증인의 종교그룹이 흰말탄자가  예수그리스도라고 지난 한세기동안 주장하고 있기때문에 그것이 아닌 이유를 체계적으로 검토하기위해 쓰여졌다.   그렇다면 계시6장2절의 흰말탄자는 과연 누구일까?    결론부터 말하자면 흰말탄자는  "3차세계대전을 일으키는  강력한 나라들(복수)"인것으로 보인다.  그러나 이들은 (계시6장8절의 짐승들) 온인류로부터 숭배받는 지구상에 마지막으로 나타나는 "세계정부"는 아니다.   먼저 이기사를 읽기위해 알아야할 사실이있다.  계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자를 계시록6장8절에서는 "땅의 짐승들"(복수)로 표현했다는점이다!  《아래는 바이블허브를 통해 계시록6장8절과 계시록13장1절및 11절을 비교한것임.》 Revelation 6:8 N-GNP GRK: ὑπὸ τῶν ✔...