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Matthew 10:28: Destroying soul and body in hell? “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28). Is Jesus teaching in this verse that the soul lives on after death and is immortal? Not at all. If you look at this scripture closely, you see that Jesus is actually saying that the soul can be destroyed. Jesus is here warning about the judgment of God. He says not to fear those who can destroy only the physical human body ( soma in the Greek), but fear Him (God) who is also able to destroy the soul ( psuche )—here denoting the person’s physical being with its consciousness. Simply stated, Christ was showing that when one man kills another the resulting death is only temporary; God can raise anyone to conscious life again either soon after death (see Matthew 9:23-25; Matthew 27:52; John 11:43-44; Acts 9:40-41; Acts 20:9-11) or in the age to come after Christ returns to the earth. The person who has died is not ultimately gone forever. We must have a proper fear of God, who alone can remove one’s physical life and all possibility of any later resurrection to life. When God destroys one in “hell,” that person’s destruction is permanent. What is the “hell” spoken of in this verse? The Greek word used here is gehenna, which comes from the combination of two Hebrew words, gai and hinnom, meaning “Valley of Hinnom.” The term originally referred to a valley on the south side of Jerusalem in which pagan deities were worshipped. Because of its reputation as an abominable place, it later became a garbage dump where refuse was burned. Gehenna became synonymous with “a place of burning”—a site used to dispose of useless things. Only God can utterly destroy human existence and eliminate any hope of a resurrection. The Scriptures teach that God will in the future burn up the incorrigibly wicked in an all-consuming fire, turning them to ashes (Malachi 4:3)—annihilating them forever. 1 Thessalonians 5:23: Spirit, soul and body? Many are confused by an expression the apostle Paul uses in one of his letters to the Thessalonians: “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23). What does Paul mean by the phrase “spirit, soul, and body”? By “spirit” ( pneuma ), Paul means the non-material component that is joined to the physical human brain to form the human mind. This spirit is not conscious of itself. Rather, it gives the brain the ability to reason, create and analyze our existence (see also Job 32:8; 1 Corinthians 2:11). By “soul” ( psuche ), Paul means the person’s physical being with its consciousness. By “body” ( soma ), Paul means a physical body of flesh. In short, Paul wished for the whole person, including the mind, vitality of conscious life and physical body, to be sanctified and blameless. Revelation 6:9-10: Souls of slain crying out? “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?’” (Revelation 6:9-10). To understand this scripture, we must remember the context. John was witnessing a vision while he was “in the Spirit” (Revelation 4:2). Under inspiration he was seeing future events depicted in symbolism. The fifth seal is figurative of the Great Tribulation, a time of world turmoil preceding Christ’s return. In this vision, John sees under the altar the martyred believers who sacrificed their lives for their faith in God. These souls figuratively cry out, “Avenge our blood!” This can be compared to Abel’s blood metaphorically crying out to God from the ground (Genesis 4:10). Though neither dead souls nor blood can actually speak, these phrases figuratively demonstrate that a God of justice will not forget the evil deeds of mankind perpetrated against His righteous followers. This verse does not describe living souls that have gone to heaven. The Bible confirms that “no one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven [Jesus Christ]” (John 3:13). Even righteous King David, a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22), was described by Peter as being “dead and buried” (Acts 2:29), not alive in heaven or some other state or location (Acts 2:34).


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The Letter to Baron Rothschild from Russell

Jerusalem, August 18th, 1891. To the Honorable BARON HIRSCH. RESPECTED SIR: – I, a Christian, but a lover of the seed of Jacob, especially because of the promises of God yet remaining to them and the Holy Land, address you upon a subject which I know lies close to your heart. That you may know of my interest in your people, I will cause to be sent to you a copy of each of two volumes of my own writings, in which the promises of God to your nation are cited and commented upon. At present, accompanied by my wife, I am in Palestine, taking a hasty view of the land of promise and its people, and considering the prospects of the soon fulfilment of the predictions of the prophets. As you will see from my books, we find the testimony of the prophets to be, that your nation will be greatly blessed and returned to divine favor between now and the year 1915, A.D. The present persecutions in Russia we believe to be a mark of divine favor rather than the reverse. The Lord declares that ...

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계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 누구인가?

《This post is not intended to be taken dogmatically; I do not insist that its conclusions are correct; they are just presented for consideration.》             이기사는 계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 누구일까? 를 논의하기위해 쓰여졌다.   그점을 뒷받침하기위해 6장2절의 말탄자가 왜 흰색말을타고있는지도 살폈다.  게다가 계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자가 계시록 17장에 나오는 여덟째왕이 아닌 이유도 고려한다.   또한 계시록13장의전반부에나오는 표범처럼생긴 짐승이 6장2절에나오는 흰말탄자가 아닌 이유도 살폈다.   아울러서 계시록13장의후반부에나오는 "wild animal"이 6장2절의 흰말탄자가 아닌이유도 살폈다. 계시록 6장2절의 흰말탄자가 들고있는 "활"이 내포한 성격도 고려했다.  무엇보다도 특히 여호와의 증인의 종교그룹이 흰말탄자가  예수그리스도라고 지난 한세기동안 주장하고 있기때문에 그것이 아닌 이유를 체계적으로 검토하기위해 쓰여졌다.   그렇다면 계시6장2절의 흰말탄자는 과연 누구일까?    결론부터 말하자면 흰말탄자는  "3차세계대전을 일으키는  강력한 나라들(복수)"인것으로 보인다.  그러나 이들은 (계시6장8절의 짐승들) 온인류로부터 숭배받는 지구상에 마지막으로 나타나는 "세계정부"는 아니다.   먼저 이기사를 읽기위해 알아야할 사실이있다.  계시록6장2절의 흰말탄자를 계시록6장8절에서는 "땅의 짐승들"(복수)로 표현했다는점이다!  《아래는 바이블허브를 통해 계시록6장8절과 계시록13장1절및 11절을 비교한것임.》 Revelation 6:8 N-GNP GRK: ὑπὸ τῶν ✔...